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Even after this devaststing event in your life, we want you to know that someone is thinking about you and praying for your situation to become better and the circumstances surrounding your difficulties to be removed and a brighter day emerge.  We know what it is like to have loss and to experience the pain of your earthly possessions being taken away in the blink of an eye, but know that this too shall pass.  We are here to let you know that our support is unwavering and that you can lean on us through this most difficult of times.  Depend upon that...

You Are Not Alone...

GAAP Staff & James Harris, Jr., Minister


We are doing something that has not been done before and that is direct ministering and focused humanitarian emergency relief through a combined effort nationwide.  There are no governmental ties nor is this in lieu of any governmental assistance prior to or because of any specific situation or circumstance that anyone has experienced or is experiencing.  We help because we want to and feel a need to be a blessing to others who stand in the need of assistance.  We do not care what station of life a person is in, color, creed or religion, we are meeting the needs of our fellow human beings who are hurting and can’t seem to get any help from traditional methods.  WE know that the strong must bear the infirmities of the weak so this is a natural outpouring of concern and care that have no gimmicks or gotchas…. just people helping people

                                                                                                        1. A “Verified Needs Assessment” is made visually by a

                                                                                                            Designated Church Official, Congregational Member, GAAP

                                                                                                            Staff Member, Community Contact or Appointed

                                                                                                            Representative by the Millennium Trust Program Group.

                                                                                                        2. A written request is made from the family wishing to be

                                                                                                            adopted and hoping to have their needs met. We are asking

       the affected families to keep this needs list to the things that they truly need and not this they are wishing for…

       we meet needs! This list will usually encompass items lost in the hurricane, tornado, flood, natural disaster, man-

       made calamity or any other circumstance that demands emergency relief that they cannot financially replace or

       will not be able to replace in the future to be made whole. Rest assured that this listing of needs will be

       coordinated by and with the adopting families.  *GAAP has specific intake forms that will be utilized in the

       assessment phase of relief for those who are being helped in this process.

  3. A finalized request document will be made that includes name, address and other vitals, a picture of the adoption

      requesting family, a short bio of the person(s) involved along with a worded summary of how the disaster,  

      calamity or circumstance affected them. Last but not least, a defined list of needs for that particular adoption

      requesting family will be generated and populated for total transparency.

  4. A coordinated contact is made to the end-organized receiving station in one of many coordinated areas, namely

      Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Arkansas, Alabama, New Mexico, Georgia,

      Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin, Canada and many other states or cities in the future.  We meet disaster and

      emergency relief domestically, in every state and city in our country.  There are no demographic restrictions.

  5. A contact person(s) in that receiving station will coordinate the passing out of request to eager and caring      

      "angels" who will give them their contact information to be used as a cross reference for others in other

      parts of the country to be committed to this one family's welfare. There will be a 5 to 1 ratio of five adopting

      families to one family who needs adoption. This will relieve the burdens of the assisting families by each one

      being responsible for only a portion of the receiving family's need.  All five families will have the ability to  

      coordinate their efforts for the end family by working closely together via phone, email and Internet with a GAAP

      or Millennium Trust Designated Contact and will ultimately be in direct contact with the blemished and affected

      family. This ensures the needs being met directly, that the needs are verified and are not being slowed down by

      committees, agencies or rules. The person or family in need is now in touch with at least five caring families who

      are willing to meet the needs that this family has been verified to have. No fuss, no delays, and no lines, all that

      we say we have will be given directly to the family in need. Shipping is paid by GAAP and will occur between the

      adopter; *(Family or person); and adoptee contact via the Guardian Angel Adoption Program Representative or

      the Millennium Trust Designated Contact respectively.



Healing & Helping Day #1

Gulfport, MS (OPEN PRESS) September 17, 2005 - -                                       On September 17, 2005, the North Gulfport Church of Christ, located in North Gulfport, hosted a wonderful and life-changing event.   With the assistance of the Andrews Street Church of Christ located in Mobile, Alabama, the first ever “Healing and Helping Day” occurred on the North Gulfport Church of Christ grounds.  The event was a tremendous success for the community and the city as a whole.  1,000 + persons were fed and comforted as they awaited the Red Cross to administer Emergency Relief Aid in the form of vouchers for those who had been directly affected by Hurricane Katrina and to assist them in some type of financial relief after the storm.  The North Gulfport Church of Christ and the Andrews Street Church of Christ in Mobile, Alabama coordinated this first effort respectively.

Healing & Helping Day #2

Gulfport, MS (OPEN PRESS) April 7, 2006 - - On April 14, 2006, the North Gulfport Church of Christ, located in North Gulfport, will be hosting along with the Lewis Street Church of Christ of Little Rock, AR the “Healing and Helping Day #2” on the North Gulfport Church of Christ grounds.  The North Gulfport Church of Christ and the Andrews Street Church of Christ in Mobile, AL coordinated this first effort/event respectively. 


The “Healing and Helping Day #2” has evolved into a true humanitarian effort in that it has incorporated the Guardian Angel Adoption Program, a direct community life-line to assist those people who needed help during the Katrina Aftermath in an ongoing benevolent fashion.  James D. Harris, Jr. is the author of the program and developed it during the Hurricane Aftermath after noticing the great gulf of needs that were not being met in the community where the church edifice resides.  After working with the Red Cross personally, Minister Harris, Jr. saw a need that was waiting to be met through immediate and positive action to link others outside the area of devastation to those who were directly inside the eye of the devastation.  The Guardian Angel Adoption Program is a family-to-family endeavor that pairs families who have been devastated by Hurricane Katrina to get assistance from other families across the nation to collectively meet the needs of the “adopted” family in need.  Usually, 5 or more families are paired with the one adopted family to spread the responsibility of meeting the needs of the devastated with no one family bearing the burden of the relief effort alone.  To date approximately 50 to 100 families have been assisted in some way with more relief coming the days and months to come.

Healing & Helping Day #2 - Event Photos

Healing & Helping Day #2 -  Powerful  Video

James Harris, Jr. - New Contact Numbers 

228.437.8671 / 228.437.8667

Healing & Helping Day #3

Date: June 10, 2006

Place: North Gulfport Church of Christ -                                     Building Grounds

Time: 9:00 am until 3:00 pm


Purpose: Helping & Healing Day #3


We will be having a community cook-out with fun for family and friends to continue the healing process.  There will be games for the kids and fun & food for all!  Thanks, and all of North Gulfport and the city are invited.


Contact: Minister James D. Harris, Jr.                                                 228.437.8671 or 228.437.8669

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The Guardian Angel Adoption Program

A Full Non-Profit Humanitarian Endeavor

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